Brisbane Shade Sails 14

Key Features of Our Shade Sails

Shade sails are one of the most iconic shading solutions in Australia. All across the country, you will see shade sails in commercial and residential spaces helping to keep us protected from the sun. Shade sails can be utilised in a number of different ways, including shading pools, shading cars and shading your outdoor space. At Brisbane Shade & Sails, we have been successfully installing shade sails all across southeast Queensland for over 15 years. Our experienced team is sharing some of the key features of our shade sails in this latest article entry on our site.


Our Shade Sails Are 100% Aussie Made!

One of the primary features of our shade sails that makes them so popular across Queensland is that they are 100% Australian made. Why do we source 100% Australian made shade sails? They are the best quality shade sails and are built to withstand the Australian climate. Click here if you would like to find out more about how our shade sails are manufactured.


They Keep You Safe From The Sun

By far the most important feature of our shade sails is that they keep you and your family safe from the sun. Brisbane Shade & Sails products are some of the leading forms of UV protection worldwide and particularly in Australia. All Brisbane Shade & Sails fabrics are endorsed by the Cancer Council of Australia and can offer up to 98% UV protection, depending on your colour choice. With coverage like this, it’s not hard to see why shade sails are one of the most popular choices for sun protection.

When it comes to sun protection, there is no better choice than a shade sail to stay protected. Click here for more information on how our shade sails can offer you the ultimate protection so you can enjoy your outdoor spaces safely.


Shade Sails Can Be Custom Built For Your Space

At Brisbane Shade & Sails, we understand that no two outdoor spaces are alike. That is why it is important for us to provide shading solutions that fit the outdoor spaces of our clients. One of the most appealing features of our shade sails is that they can be custom fit to your property. Whether you are shading a backyard pool, driveway or patio, our shade sails can be installed virtually anywhere, providing that there is sufficient space for installation. Click here to get in contact with the design consultants and Brisbane Shade & Sails today. 


Get Started With Brisbane Shade & Sails Today!

There’s never been a better time to get in touch with the shading professionals at Brisbane Shade & Sails. With summer right around the corner, our orders are starting to pile up. Be sure to get in quick before you miss out! Give our team a call today on 1300 781 798.

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