Are you planning on installing some shade coverage on your property in time for summer? A shade structure may be a great option for you. Shade structures can provide you with UV protection, wide shade coverage, protection from rain and hail, and even add value to your commercial or residential property! Brisbane Shade & Sails provide hip and ridge shade structures and curved roof shade structures that can be a great addition for your property. Our shade structures are manufactured in Australia to maximise their quality, performance and endurance. Here are 4 reasons to invest in a shade structure.
Add UV Protection To Your Property
The primary reason why you should consider investing in a shade structure for your property is the sun and UV protection they can provide. At Brisbane Shade & Sails, our shade structures provide excellent protection from UV rays to keep you safe from the sun when outside.
Stay Protected From The Elements
Although shade structures are more commonly known for keeping you protected from the sun, they can also keep you protected from weather events like rain, wind and even hail. Our curved roof shade structures can be fitted with a waterproof vinyl canopy, keeping you and your vehicles protected from the elements. This is an added bonus for your shade provider and another reason to consider investing in a shade structure.
Wide Shade Coverage
Hip and ridge shade structures are an excellent choice if you are wanting to shade a wide area like an outdoor playground. These shade structures also do a great job of shading vehicles like cars, boats and caravans. Curved roof shade structures can provide amazing shade coverage for carports and carparks. Another great reason why you should invest in a shade structure for your property.
Add Value To Your Property
Shade structures won’t just provide great shade protection for you, they can also add value to your property. Properties with shade structures often increase in value and are more attractive to buyers on the market. This is another great reason why you should consider investing in a shade structure to take care of your shading needs.
Contact Brisbane Shade & Sails Today
Brisbane Shade & Sails is your trusted provider of high-quality outdoor shading products, including shade sails, shade structures and giant umbrellas.If you would like to install a shade structure there is no better team to help than Brisbane Shade & Sails. Ready to get started? You can get in contact with the Brisbane Shade & Sails team today by calling us on 1300 781 798 or emailing our team at in**@br****************.au. Alternatively, you can click here to contact the Brisbane Shade & Sails team through our website.
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